Student Solution


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GVV week 6

GVV week 6

Q Instructions: Read the attached document before posting in the discussion forum. Files: GVV Week 6 (.pdf, 363K) 363 kb document Discussion Questions • What are the main arguments Dennis is trying to counter? That is, what are the reasons and rationalizations you need to address? • What’s at stake for the key parties, including those with whom Dennis disagrees? • What levers/arguments can Dennis use to influence those with whom he disagrees? • What is Dennis’ most powerful and persuasive response to the reasons and rationalizations he needs to address? Read this week's assignment and respond to the following questions (at least three responses for each) 1) Who are the stakeholders and what is at stake for each of them? 2) What are the arguments this person is trying because to counter (the arguments for the other side)? 3) What arguments or other means can this person use to get their way?

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The stakeholders are Dennis, the 196 non-permanent employees as well as the company for which Dennis is working. This is Dennis is a member of the management team of his company managing employee retention. Therefore, if Dennis fails to retain the most efficient and talented employees, there can be more probabilities for failures in the long run for the company of Dennis. The non-permanent employees do not know the number of employees